motivations of people that we want to talk to and influence in new spaces. • We move away from exposure and touch points, focusing on the value, the quality
and the intensity of the connections that we trigger in the consumer world.
We measure the reaction and evaluate the impact of brands. • We innovate to solve business challenges. Innovation is the central pillar of our
agency. Ira Media has privileged partnerships with organizations across the
market. We help our clients grasp the future opportunities. • We serve and coordinate client businesses faster and better. Our new and unique
operating model gives to our clients quick access to the data through our
business intelligent platform.
our proprietary Brand Inteligent cross-channel reporting
platform, coupled with human intelligence, enables us to
quickly turn data into insights. We are then able to optimize
faster, pouncing on performance.

radically - and so the means to keep up must be transforming too.
In the moments of blue ocean strategies, martech approach and
cumulative advantages, Ira Media has developed custom marketing
tools and annual studies for different market sectors such us: • Healthcare Media Map • Women in Greece • Greece in numbers

for extra media air time
Investment Optimization
ensuring the best performance & the lowest rates
Local Deals with regional media for Extra Discounts
Custom Media Tools
in different markets for buying optimization

We bring a digital, new life to traditional touch-points. Our online
development, Social, PPC and SEO teams place the brand content directly
in front of the eyes of the target audience. Combining content strategy
and technical know-how, we achieve optimal results and enhanced
customer experience.
Media Lab
Our fully-owned subsidiary 3D Media Lab brings digital innovations to
out-of-home/outdoor advertising, transforming it into experiential marketing
by deploying a series of wow impact specific solutions, particularly suitable
for events and point-of-sale marketing. Through our innovative technology,
we develop new digital media based on core communication ideas, creative
ideas, business strategy and internal communication plan. These range
from the well established media, such as interactive screens and VR
to cutting-edge hologram solutions.

formance. The automation of our
proprietary Brand Inteligent cross-
channel reporting platform,
coupled with human intelligence,
enables us to quickly turn data
into insights. We are then able to
optimize faster, pouncing on
better understand the groups and the
social motivations of people that we
want to talk to and influence in new
• We move away from exposure and
touch points, focusing on the value, the
quality and the intensity of the con-
nections that we trigger in the consu-
mer world. We measure the reaction
and evaluate the impact of brands.
• We innovate to solve business chal-
lenges. Innovation is the central pillar
of our agency. Ira Media has privileged
partnerships with organizations across
the market. We help our clients grasp
the future opportunities.
• We serve and coordinate client busi-
nesses faster and better. Our new and
unique operating model gives to our
clients quick access to the data through
our business intelligent platform.

the future is now.
marketing is transforming radically - and
so the means to keep up must be trans-
forming too.
In the moments of blue ocean strategies,
martech approach and cumulative ad-
vantages, Ira Media has developed cus-
tom marketing tools and annual studies
for different market sectors such us:
• Healthcare Media Map
• Women in Greece
• Greece in numbers

for extra media air time
Investment Optimization
ensuring the best performance &
the lowest rates
Local Deals with regional media
for Extra Discounts
Custom Media Tools
in different markets for buying

We bring a digital, new life to traditi-
onal touch-points. Our online deve-
lopment, Social, PPC and SEO
teams place the brand content di-
rectly in front of the eyes of the tar-
get audience. Combining content
strategy and technical know-how,
we achieve optimal results and en-
hanced customer experience.
Media Lab
Our fully-owned subsidiary 3D Me-
dia Lab brings digital innovations
to out-of-home/outdoor advertising,
transforming it into experiential
marketing by deploying a series of
wow impact specific solutions, pa-
rticularly suitable for events and
point-of-sale marketing. Through
our innovative technology, we de-
velop new digital media based on
core communication ideas, creative
ideas, business strategy and inter-
nal communication plan. These ra-
nge from the well established me-
dia, such as interactive screens
and VR to cutting-edge hologram
Benefits August 21st, 2017Ira Media